Surname List


|   A   |   B   |   C   | D-E | F-G |   H   |  I-J  | K-L |

| M-O | P-Q |   R   |   S   |   T   | U-V | W-Z |

Every individual in this genealogy appears once in this alphabetical list by surname.  Where a surname changed spelling because of immigration, the American and foreign name are grouped together in this list.  Entries throughout this genealogy show what are believed to be birth names.  Married women appear in this list under their maiden name.  If their maiden name is not known, then they appear in the list below.

Surnames - Unknown
Alphabetical by Given Name

Surname Individuals
(Unknown) "Mrs." "Kendall" [p] (b. - d.) g.18 see husband

"Mrs." Margaretha "Braun" [p] (b. - d.) g.15 see son-in-law

"Mrs." Margaretha(?) "Breimaier" [p] (ca.1800 - d.) g.16 see husband

Ann "Mrs. Routh" [p] (1772 - 1865 Feb 22) g.15 see husband

Anna Maria "Mrs. Riecker" [p] (b. - d.) g.12 see son

Anne "Mrs. Allen" [p] (b. - d.) g.16 see father-in-law

Augusta A. "Mrs. Harrington" [p] (1866 Sep 28 - 1934 Sep 30) g.17 see husband

Elizabeth "Mrs. Line" [p] (b. - d.) g.13 see husband

Elizabeth "Mrs. Riecker" [p] (1833 - 1912) g.17 see father-in-law

Ester(?) "Mrs. Harrington" [p] (b. - d.) g.17 see husband

Esther "Mrs. Payn" [p] (b. - d.) g.14 see son

Etta M. "Mrs. Whigam" [p] (1878 - 1973) g.18 see husband

Fern Larson "Mrs. Layman" [p] (1910 - 1980) g.19 see husband

Hannah "Mrs. Van Hyning" [p] (b. - 1823 Sep 14) g.14 see husband

Judith Barbara "Mrs. Breimaier" [p] (1760 Apr 22 - 1805 Nov 19) g.15 see husband

Lulu(?) "Mrs. Harrington" [p] (b. - d.) g.17 see husband

Mahala "Mrs. Tucker" [p] (b. - 1860) g.16 see husband

Margaret "Mrs. Rieker" [p] (b. - d.) g.18 see husband

Martha "Mrs. du Bois" [p] (b. - d.) g.12 see husband

Martha "Mrs. Jolley" [p] (b. - d.) g.17 see father-in-law

Mary "Mrs. Johnson" [p] (b. - d.) g.16 see son-in-law

Mary E. "Mrs. Phiel" [p] (b. - d.) g.14 see son-in-law

Mary J. "Mrs. Martin" [p] (1853 - 1917) g.17 see son-in-law

Nancy "Mrs. Woodward" [p] (b. - d.) g.15 see husband

Rose "Mrs. Breymaier" [p] (b. - d.) g.17 see father-in-law

Sabrina(?) "Mrs. Breimaier" [p] (1754 Jul 13 - 1785 Apr 6) g.15 see husband