This lineage includes all
descendants of Lucius Raper Vandervort (g.18) who were born with
the name Vandervort or a variant of that name. It is not
known whether there are any additional Vandervort descendants.
The history of the name for this family is uncertain. Van
der Voort is predominant in modern records. This genealogy
uses Vandervort as the birth names because it is the predominant
form in older records. Tucker and Perlee family records show
Lucius and his wife Fannie (Tucker) used
Vander Voort. Pauline Vandervort preferred Van
der Voort. A few records have instances of
Vandervoort, one of which is corrected in errata. One record
shows Vandervert, which is assumed to be a transcription error.
This Vandervort family is from
County and
Clinton County,
This Van der Voort genealogy lineage is partly descendant from