App Lineage

Listed by Generation

There are 2 different Apps who married into the Breymaier/Breimaier family.  It is not known whether the 2 Apps are related.  The 2 Breimaier/Breymaiers are grandfather and granddaughter.
  1. Agatha APP (1778 Mar 9(?) - 1846) g.15  married  Jacob BREIMAIER (1753 May 22 - d.) g.15  see lineage below

  2. Daniel APP (b. - 1891 Nov 2) g.17  married  Christina Catherine BREYMAIER (1841 Aug 5 - 1928 Aug 10) g.17  (lineage unknown)

Lineage for Agatha App

Johann APP (1746 Dec 19 - 1799 Jan 5) g.14 see son-in-law

Agatha APP (1778 Mar 9(?) - 1846) g.15 see husband (descendant m. RIEKER)

This App genealogy lineage is ancestral to Breimaier, which is ancestral to Rieker.